
Music theory resources

In the many years I listened, played, and worked on music, I had a very basic understanding of music theory.

While working on my MSc thesis project I had to get a better understanding behind the mechanics of music theory. More specifically I had to understand how different western music modes (ionian, mixolydian etc.) were related, how using those modes and a root note one could construct chords. How chord relationship works. It took me more time to understand concepts related to chord tensions, the importance of V7 chord etc. but those three documents where a solid foundation that other knowledge could be built on.

This is dense material and I had to go through them many times. It was also very convenient for me that those documents have a guitaristic orientation.

If you intend in using this material please note the copyright notice that is included in those PDFs.

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The information contained in this document and this document itself can be freely downloaded, used and copied for private educational purposes only. Selling of this document is strictly prohibited in all circumstances.

Thank you, old internet times.

music theory