
Best stuff of 2023

March 1, 2024

It's March 1st and it's a good time to reflect on the previous year. Lots of things happened, so I'll put a short summary even if I'm 2 months late.


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Clojure 101

February 28, 2024

While I have presented a number of topics in the past, this was the first time that I found myself being very sceptical on the way I should present things. I've tried asking the organizers to get a sense about the audience, but the organizers were unsure. I thought that I had to be somewhat generic on my approach and that made things a bit harder. Senior people are intrigued by other things compared to junior people and people coming from the Java world have different interests compared to people that are coming from the Javascript world. As I would mainly focus on Clojure and I was planning to show host interop, that could potentially be of not much interest to people from non JVM backgrounds, even though those concepts are not strictly tied to the JVM See for example Clojurescript.

With those things in mind, I wanted to have a mix of trivial and non-trivial examples to explain some concepts, because learning concepts can be much more interesting compared to showing how to do X or Y. At the same time a talk has to be entertaining, so some examples would need to be more fun even if I had to leave more important stuff out of the agenda. This is how I settled on having four small groups of examples - even though some grew quite lare - and leaving some time in the end for a more complete thing - which now I'm realizing that I most likely won't have time to go through.

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Music theory resources

March 14, 2023

In the many years I listened, played, and worked on music, I had a very basic understanding of music theory.

While working on my MSc thesis project I had to get a better understanding behind the mechanics of music theory. More specifically I had to understand how different western music modes (ionian, mixolydian etc.) were related, how using those modes and a root note one could construct chords. How chord relationship works. It took me more time to understand concepts related to chord tensions, the importance of V7 chord etc. but those three documents where a solid foundation that other knowledge could be built on.

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Merging disks

May 11, 2020

As almost everyone I was very excited when SSDs became mainstream and after some time somehow I ended up having four of them. Those were installed on different machines and although their sizes were relatively all right for the time, right now it was not that great. Three of them were 250G and one was 128G.

The fact that one of the big ones was used for a dual boot Win/Linux made just things worse. It also had 7 partitions...

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Best stuff of 2019

January 8, 2020

While 2019 didn't had many fancy tech discoveries, it was an entertaining year.

This is a short summary of the best of people and things for 2019.

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