
Exploiting jackson deserialization vulnerabilities

December 26, 2019

Jackson is the standard serialization library for JVM based projects and you can see it quite often popping up in CVE lists. Many of those can allow remote code execution (RCE).

Before you start freaking out, please note that are likely not affected by this and then read this.

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Getting started with clojure and LightTable

October 8, 2016

If you are new to clojure you should consider LightTable as it is very easy to setup and get started.

Installing the required software

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Automating the deployment of a cryogen blog to github pages

October 5, 2016

I like static site generators, clojure and github pages and for those three reasons I happen to like cryogen.

The only "issue" I encountered when I started playing around with cryogen was deployment. I could make a script to push the generated content to but that was no fun. This process had to be automated and why not using continuous integration platform like circleci?

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